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Ladies’ lunch raises £4,700 for charity

The R3 North West Ladies’ Lunch, which has become the annual social highlight for the region’s insolvency professionals, has raised over £4,700 for charity – the highest amount in its 12-year history.

Almost 400 women and men attended this year’s event, which was held in the larger venue of the Hilton Hotel, Manchester – and was once again a sell-out. The funds will go to the Contact Hostel, which provides accommodation and practical support for homeless teenage girls from the Manchester area.

The event was sponsored by Sanderson Weatherall, Chartered Surveyors, property consultants and business asset advisors. Guest of honour was Judith Dennerly, a trustee of the Contact Hostel, who spoke about the charity’s work in supporting young women who may have experienced relationship breakdowns, domestic violence, forced marriage and physical and emotional abuse. The hostel in South Manchester offers a welcoming and homely atmosphere and also supports women to the next stage, whether they want to return to education, start a job or explore training opportunities.

First held in 2008, the annual ladies’ lunches have raised around £35,000 for local charities to date. Jean Boldero, chair of the R3 North West Women’s Group which organizes the events, said: “The ladies’ lunch has been gathering momentum each year and this one was the biggest so far. We are delighted to have raised such a significant sum and would like to thank all those who attended for their generosity in helping those young people to create a better future.”


R3 Women’s Group members


Posted in R3