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BBC supports new digital award

A new award supported by the BBC aims to recognise the use of digital innovation and social media by organisations in the North of England.

The BBC Digital Excellence Award is part of the North of England Excellence Awards and will be presented by Adam Parsons, presenter of Wake Up to Money, at the awards ceremony on 13 November 2014 at The Royal Armouries, Leeds.

The award will recognise the best examples of the use of digital innovation and social media to achieve and sustain business growth. The award is free to enter and is open to organisations in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Entry is via a streamlined process and the deadline is 24 October 2014.

Adam Parsons said: “The BBC has been at the forefront of technological and digital innovation since its very inception from the first wireless broadcast in 1922, to the launch of television in 1934, the BBC Micro in 1981 and the first BBC website in 1996. Since 1996 the BBC has come a long way in digital innovation creating a wide range of content available via its websites, mobile content, apps and social media activity.

“In supporting the Digital Excellence Award, the BBC would like to recognise other organisations who excel in this field – organisations who have had to fundamentally change not only how they do business but how they interact with both staff and customers in order to fully embrace digital innovation and creativity. The award will clearly establish any winners as role model organisations.”

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