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Young professionals group has new faces at the top

The R3 North West New young Professionals Group, which organises networking events aimed particularly organizer professionals in the insolvency and restructuring profession, has two new faces at the helm.

Nicola Wallbank has been appointed as the new chair while Ruth Pearson becomes vice-chair. They take over from Laura Lucas and Abigail Hickman.

Nicola, who has ten years’ experience in insolvency and finance, is assistant manager with RSM Restructuring & Advisory LLP in Manchester while Ruth, who has worked in insolvency for nine years, is assistant manager with KPMG’s restructuring team in the city.

Paul Barber, North West Chair of R3, the insolvency and restructuring trade body, and also a partner at Begbies Traynor in Manchester, said: “Insolvency and related professions employ thousands of people in the North West. The New Professionals Group provides social and networking opportunities for those coming into the industry or at an early stage in their career. Since its launch a few years ago it has proved hugely popular.

“We would like to thank Laura and Abigail for their efforts in building the group, and wish Nicola and Ruth all the best in their new roles.”